ECO Learning Center

Please fill in the form for booking an appointment

Please visit as a group of at least 10 people, but not more than 30 people per session.

We will reserve the right to consider requests for visitation if there is overlapped bookings, or the number of visitors is fewer than 10 per round.

*Remark: The Eco Learning Center is opened for visitors on every Thursday (except public holidays).

For more information, please visit our Privacy Policy

Your registration will be completed when you receive the response from [email protected]

Ricoh Thailand


341 Onnuj Road, Prawet, Prawet, Bangkok 10250 Thailand
TEL: 0-2088-8888 FAX :0-2322-9870


Marketing Department

Office hours : Monday - Friday at 8.00 AM - 4.30 PM
Telephone : 0-2088-1281
Fax : 0-2088-1348
E-Mail: [email protected]

Call Center

Telephone : 02-088-8000

Complaint Center

(Free Call): 1800-01-9181